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Getting Started with Mobile Application Programming – A Beginner’s Guide

Mobile applications are the future. With more and more people relying on mobile devices to get their work done, it is important for businesses to have a mobile strategy in place.

What is App Development?

App Development refers to the creation of computer applications for use on mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones and smart watches. Mobile device features such as cameras, motion and location awareness can be used to create unique and inventive mobile-only applications for things such as taxi and bike sharing..

Why Make Mobile Apps?

Learn the process of mobile app creation, from beginning to end. In this course, you will learn all the steps that are necessary to go from the “big idea” to app store success. You will discover exactly what a viable app idea entails and how to get started on developing your own app.
Whether you have prior experience programming or not, this class will take you step-by-step through the process of creating your very first Android app.

Turn your idea into an app, fast

Now more than ever an app is essential to your business. Build yours, worry-free.

Courses we offer-

  1. Android App Development
  2. App Development with AI-ML
  3. Block Coder
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