Course Description

Quantum Transformation Coaching Certification
Brought to you by The Art of Skills Academy and Francisca Ruiz, Grace Edibo, Yogesh Kapoor
Course Details
Portal 1
2.5 Hour session
Facilitator: Yogesh Kapoor
Introduction of Instructors
Francisca Ruiz
Grace Edibo Yogesh
Instructor: Grace Edibo, Francisca, Yogesh
Core Competencies
1. Introduction to coaching.
2. What is coaching?
3. What Coaching is not?
Ethical and professional guidelines
You will learn to clearly explain the differences between Coaching, consulting, mentoring, therapy, and other support disciplines.
Effective coaching
1. What makes an effective coach?
- Coaching agreement
- Co-creating the relationship
- Establishing Trust
- Coaching presence
- Effective Communication
- Active listening
- Empowering Questions
- Facilitating learning and results
- Creating awareness.
Coaching Methodologies
The C.L.E.A.R. model was formulated in the early 1980s by Professor of Leadership Peter Hawkins, then of Bath Consultancy Group.
The C.L.E.A.R. coaching model is a simple, five stage model that is intended to be used in each session of a multi-session coaching program. … The five stages of the C.L.E.A.R. coaching model are: contract, listen, explore, actions and review.
Portal 2 and 3
2 Hours sessions
Facilitator: TBA
Instructor: Yogesh Kapoor
Effective Communication
In order to be coach you have to understand Effective Communication. Without knowing what the difference between communication and effective communication as a Coach, the individual will never be able to bring a change in his/her Coaching. In these modules we will be covering the following areas:
- What is Communication in Coaching?
- Different Styles of Effective Communication?
- Establishing Clarity with your client
- Components of Communication
- Words
- Tone
- Body language
- Techniques of effective communication
- Mirroring
- Validating
- Empathizing
Portal 4
2 Hours Session
Facilitator: TBA
Instructor: Yogesh Kapoor
Mastering the Art of Listening
Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood. As a result, communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated.
- Effective Listening skills in coaching
- Being a Compassionate listener
- Active Listening Behaviors
- Levels of Listening
Portal 5
2 hours session
Facilitator: TBA
Instructor: Yogesh Kapoor
Asking Empowering Questions
An empowering question is a thought provoking, open ended, challenging question that allows a person to look for answers and new opportunities. Questions that invite people to ponder, consider, open, notice, discover and awaken. Open questions invite engagement and body-mind connection
- Introduction on how to how to craft an Empowering Question
- Using Empowering Questions to Create Limitless Opportunities
- Learn to use Empowering Questions to determine the dominant learning modality of your ideal client
- Growing in your Leadership – Are you asking the right questions to get the answers you want?
Portal 6
2 hours
Facilitator: TBA
Instructor: Grace Edibo
Mastering the Mind
- Mindset beliefs and values in coaching
- Limiting and empowering beliefs
- Eliminate the inner critic & self-doubt that keep you stuck
- Master your emotions and your inner game
- Intelligence
Portal 7
2 hours
Facilitator: TBA
Instructor: Grace Edibo
IQ – EQ – SQ
Learn to manage your feelings, behaviors, relationships and your life in brilliant and healthy ways.
1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your comprehension ability
2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others; keep to time; be responsible; be honest; respect boundaries; be humble, genuine and considerate.
3. Social Quotient (SQ): This is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and maintain it over a long period of time.
- Manage emotional upsets, thoughts, and behaviors
- Create healthy relationships.
- Collaborate and resolve conflicts
- Solve problems and make constructive decisions
- Set and achieve healthy goals and persist through setbacks
- Avoid violent acts, self-harming and addictive behaviors
- Empathize with others from diverse backgrounds without racial, ethnic, gender or class prejudice
- Achieve academically and creatively
Portal 8
2 hours
Facilitator: TBA
Instructor: Grace Edibo
The Law of Vibration in Coaching
- What is law of Vibration
- How it affects us.
- How to work with it.
- Steps in using Law of Vibration
Portal 9
2 hours
Facilitator: TBA
Instructors: Francisca Ruiz
Healing from the inside out
- Discovering your soul’s purpose and aligning to the vortex to achieve your highest expression.
Portal 10
2 hours
Facilitator: TBA
Instructors: Francisca Ruiz
- Recognize what are your patterns and align them to release and achieve your body, soul and spirits purpose.
Portal 11
2 hours
Facilitator: TBA
Instructors: Francisca Ruiz
Expand Consciousness
- Surrendering to the purpose of your soul in this journey. Using breath and other modalities opening the vortex and connect to the Quantum field!
Portal 12
2 hours
Facilitator: TBA
Instructors: Francisca Ruiz and Andrea Kaye
Quantum Physics
• How to we can tap into this energetic field to create more of what we love.