Course Description

Become a Photoshop hero by learning the essentials of Adobe Photoshop and creating beautiful images. We will teach you everything you need to know about getting started with Photoshop. You’ll learn how to use Photoshop for use in Graphic Design & for Photoshop Retouching. You will create lots of your own projects that you can add to your own portfolio.
Course Details
Level 1 :
# Introduction to Graphic Designing
# Selection tool
# raw filters
# clipping a photo
# hair selection techniques
# removing backgrounds
# complete tool menu
# spot healing – cleaning a photo
# eraser techniques
Level 2 :
# Introduction to Graphic Designing
# Shadows
#Shadows continued
# Bringing glow in a photo
# Glow continued
# Blending modes
#Fliter menu
# Project
Level 3 :
# Introduction to Graphic Designing
# Dispersion Effect
#Double masking
# Upgrading a photo
# Moon manipulation
# Projects