Course Description

This course which sets a solid foundation for further studies, is for those students who have never studied Mandarin before.
The course will cover the Chinese pronunciation system, tone emphasis, basic communication skills, Chinese characters and simple sentence formation and structure.
Teacher : Ms Clara
Course Details
- Personal Introduction
- Learn how to introduce themselves using Chinese (my name is, I was born at , this year I’m..years old, I live at, my family members are, my hobby is, etc)
- Activities : Practice and memorize how to introduce themselves in front of a lot of people using Chinese and will record it and show it to their parents
2. Dates
- Children will learn how to say year, month, dates and day in Chinese
- Fun activities : There will be a video about dates in Chinese
- Quiz : teacher will ask children about dates using flash cards
- Assignment : writing hanzi about dates
3. Clothes
- Children will learn about clothing in Chinese
- Fun activities : we will learn about clothes by pairing the picture of clothes and need to say it using Chinese
- Quiz : teacher will do a quiz about clothes using flash cards
- Assignment : arrange the words / fill in the blank about Clothes
4. Animals
- Teacher will teach children about animals using video and picture
- Fun activities : learn about animals using video and picture
- Quiz : guessing the picture of animals and answering it using Chinese
- Assignment : pairing the picture of animals with the right pinyin
5. Transportation
- Children will learn about a lot kind of transportation and how to say it using Chinese
- Fun activities : we will watch video about transportation and conversation in Chinese
- Quiz : children need to draw the transportation that was given by the teacher and also need to write it in pinyin / Chinese
- Assignment : pairing the picture of transportation with the right pinyin
6. Daily routines
- We will learn about daily routines / activities in Chinese (from get up, taking a bath, eat breakfast, go to school, eat lunch, get off from school, going home, do homework, eat dinner, sleep, etc)
- Fun activities : every children need to make a list about their daily routines and teacher will help them to say it using Chinese
- Quiz : using flashcards
- Assignment : pairing the picture of daily routines with the right pinyin
7. House and rooms
- We will learn about things inside a house and how to say every single rooms in the house using Chinese
- Fun activities : Watch a video about furniture in house and rooms and children need to answer teacher’s question according to the video
- Quiz : children will guess using flashcards
- Assignment : pairing the picture of furniture and rooms inside the house with the right pinyin
8. Countries and languages
- We will learn about countries and its languages in the world using Chinese
- Fun activities : there will be video of introducing countries and its languages in the world using Chinese
- Quiz : children will guess countries and how to say the languages with Chinese using flashcards
- Assignment : pairing the picture of countries with the right pinyin
9. School subjects and facilities
- We will learn about school subjects (how to say Maths, Physical Education class, English, Mandarin, Science, etc) & facilities at school using Chinese
- Fun activities : there will be video of how to say school subjects and school facilities using Chinese
- Quiz : teacher will give some picture of school facilities and children need to guess it with Chinese
- Assignment : pairing the picture of school facilities with the right pinyin and fill in the blank about school subjects
10. Everyday articles and stationery
- We will learn about things that we’ll see everyday and stationery (pencil, pen, pencil box, eraser, book, dictionary,etc) in Chinese
- Fun activities : there will be video of how to say stationery using Chinese
- Quiz : teacher will give some picture of stationery and children need to guess it with Chinese
- Assignment : pairing the picture of stationery with the right pinyin