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1 year already and the Road Ahead

road ahead

Over the years, I have seen myself looking down upon many entrepreneurs and their not so common ideas. All I could think -is it feasible? Nah! I don’t think it has any good future. And when those ideas saw not only the day of light but also the brightest sun-rays I smashed the success as flash in pan.

Many years later when I decided to take my future in my hands and take things ahead on my own, I realised that there is no direct correlation between the type of idea and the success rate. However, it is just the belief, the belief of the dreamer, the faith that the believer puts in his or her idea is what decides whether it will rain or shine!

Yes, so it is already one year since I started my most ambitious project. My affinity towards the written word and yearning to learn more on this subject drew me towards starting a Creative Writing Academy of my own. I teach young and bright minds. These not only bring satisfaction but a constant feeling of awe looking at how unique and creative each one is.

Well, the journey so far has been like a rocket which not only started with an impetus but also kept its momentum high despite the turbulence. Looking forward to putting this beautiful journey in writing… Can’t wait to share those tid-bits from this adventurous joy ride.

Signing off

Palak Shah

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